Keep Going. You Didn’t Come This Far to Only Get This Far. —

Joseph Binning
6 min readApr 22, 2021


Keep Going. You Didn’t Come This Far to Only Get This Far.

Sometimes in life the greatest decisions come down to one moment. Everything that has happened to you in your life was to prepare you for this moment. So, get up, dust yourself off, and finish what you started.

One moment can change a day.

One day can change a life.

One life can change the world. -Buddha

Life is hard. It’s designed that way on purpose. If it were easy, you wouldn’t appreciate it. Goals worth attaining are worth fighting for, going the extra mile for, working your ass off for.

Humans, by nature, take the path of least resistance. Herein lies the dilemma, when everything in you tells you to quit, how do you find a reason to keep going? Where does the inner strength come from?

Some of you never start for fear of the pain. Be it a new relationship after a break-up and being hurt. Maybe it’s asking for a raise again after being denied one. Maybe you started something and failed and are afraid to try again. But…

“If it weren’t for the struggle, you wouldn’t have the strength.” -Joseph Binning

It hard to find your reason to go on sometimes in the middle of your struggle. It is your struggle. Unique to you and only you. Unless someone has walked in your shoes and walked down your road, they have no right to give you advice. Unless, of course, they have a road map.

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” -Babe Ruth,

In my younger days, I was a triathlete and competed in the Ironman series of events. In triathlon you swim, ride a bike, and run. All on the same day. The first two events are not so bad for you. It is hard, but you’re still somewhat fresh and it’s the early part of your race.

It’s in the last part, the run, specifically the last few miles that your body wants to shut down. You’ve trained for months so you physically fit for the task but it’s the emotional part of you that says, “why not just stop”.

In that moment you have two choices:

Stop. Take all the months you dedicated to being ready for the day and throw it out the window and regret it forever.


Push through. Replay in your mind what motivated or drove you to commit to this task in the first place and feed off of it. Use it to get you to your finish line.

“We see what we want to see until our eyes open.” -Joseph Binning

There is one race I will never forget out of the many I have entered. I had trained for sixteen weeks faithfully for this specific race. I was dedicating my race to a friend who was extremely sick with cancer. He asked me to finish within a certain time, and I agreed.

I completed the swim on schedule and was feeling strong.

I climbed on my bike and crushed the bike course. At this rate, I would finish early.

I hit the run course and was having an amazing run when I ran upon someone walking. We still had a long way to go, so I shouted some encouragement to him to keep going and slowed down for a moment to help a stranger with some words of encouragement.

He told me his name, which I have since forgotten, and said he missed his training buddy and had hit the wall. Hitting the wall in a race is when your body says, “I want to stop” and the mind struggles to get it to keep going.

It was in that moment that I decided to finish my race at his pace and become his running buddy. We were in California in the mountains, and he had come from New England to compete in this race. He said it was his “significant moment”.

He had cancer and had undergone radiation therapy and had been diagnosed as “cancer free” and was running this race to celebrate his recovery. But he had hit the wall and couldn’t find it in him to finish. So, I became his training buddy.

We finished the run by talking about any and everything just to get his mind off of his struggle. We bonded over the course and he finished the race after he hit the wall. Maybe not in the time he was hoping for, but he finished it.

I had gained something far greater than a medal for completing the race. I had shared my road map with another human being in his moment of struggle with knowledge I had gained from my past struggles. You see, every endurance athlete hits the wall at some point at least once.

So don’t quit. Find your reason to finish. If you get lost, find someone with a road map. Just don’t quit. Because in the end someone might need to share your road map to get through their struggle and you won’t have one to share if you quit.

As we enter the year 2021, in a world that seems to move exponentially faster with each decade, we struggle more than ever to be relevant, influential, valuable, respected, seen, loved-and stay alive long enough to make it through the finish line. We live in a vast, unlimited Universe, so why do we press ourselves into such small boxes?

Joseph Binning, author of YOU MATTER… Even If You Don’t Think So, knows from personal experience that too many don’t make it to the finish line. Too many never received the words, the instruction, or the hand up we need to make it through. Too many of us do not believe that we really matter. Understanding who we are and what to do with this life we’re living is the hardest thing we’ll ever do. We need more than words-more than knowledge. We need a way to quiet the voices in our heads that make us want to give in. We need a reason powerful enough to get to the finish line without quitting. We need a truth powerful enough to lift us out of the darkness.

From a throwaway child to a successful heart-felt, self-made man, Joseph Binning knows first-hand that our past is not who we are. In fact, who we think we are rarely is who we truly are. It is only through opening our eyes to an alternative way of seeing-by setting aside our limited thoughts-that we understand, “When I let go of who I am, I become what I might be.”

In his self-discovery guide, YOU MATTER, Joseph takes our hand and leads us through each page of a truth-telling map to find our path-the path within ourselves where we discover the answers. Who am I? Why am I here? Am I worthy of love? How do I create a lasting relationship, work, and meaning in my life? What do I do now, and how do I do it? Joseph teaches us how to discover who we really are-and who we’re not-and how to know, trust, and follow the path in front of us. Joseph leads us to find compassion-for ourselves first, and then for others-to support our renewal, step out of doubt, anxiety, and disbelief, and move toward the finish line in clarity, certainty, and creation.



If you have enjoyed this article, please visit me at for more helpful tips and articles.

You can also get more helpful information in my book You Matter, even if you don’t think so which you can purchase on Amazon here Amazon You Matter, even if you don’t think so

For my free report Happiness Is A Choice click here: Happiness Is A Choice Free Report

Remember: Happiness is a choice, so be happy.

Tags: day, find, Finish, hit, joseph, life, line, map, moment, quit, race, road, run, struggle, wall

Originally published at on April 22, 2021.



Joseph Binning
Joseph Binning

Written by Joseph Binning

Father, World traveler, Entrepreneur, and Positive Motivational Content Creator helping people get through each day. Lives in San Diego CA

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